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As AUKUS develops, it is crucial that national stakeholders are consistently provided opportunities to be informed of progress and share insights into how AUKUS’ promises to their domestic societies can best be realised. The workshop aimed to produce insights about how to progress the greatest long-term challenges to AUKUS Pillar I implementation.

Key takeaways from this first 1.5 track dialogue include:

  • On Pillar I writ large, there has been significant progress in the last 6 months to operationalise the optimal pathway. A "business as usual" approach won't meet the timelines required.
  • AUKUS is multigenerational. It will need to become part of the lifeblood of the three countries to succeed.
  • Securing social license for the partnership and recruiting workers to staff the project are inextricably interdependent.
  • There is a need to show progress – to build the confidence of the public, and to build trust in each other. A steady drumbeat of action will offer those assurances.

A full outcomes report from the dialogue is forthcoming. Sign up here to receive research alert notifications to ensure you know when the report is released.