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Ian Satchwell

Senior FellowPerth USAsia Centre

Ian Satchwell is a Senior Fellow at the Perth USAsia Centre and has three decades of experience in policies relating to minerals, energy, trade and development at national and international levels.

Ian Satchwell is a Senior Fellow at the Perth USAsia Centre and has three decades of experience in policies relating to minerals, energy, trade and development at national and international levels. He has worked on projects in Australia, Asia, Africa and Latin America for government, industry and universities. Ian has been closely involved with investment and trade policy in his past roles as National President of the Australia Indonesia Business Council, Chairman of the Services Forum at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Western Australia, Director of the Australian Services Roundtable, and Board Member of CEDA. At Perth USAsia Centre, Ian undertakes research into the operations of the Australian minerals.

Publications, media and events

In a new report from the Perth USAsia Centre, Trumping Trade: Understanding the Australia-United States Economic Relationship, author Ian Satchwell together with Gordon Flake and the Hon Kim Beazley AC have brought together data and analysis of our trade and economic relationship.