The Iowa caucuses on 15 January were the first test of whether any GOP challengers can make a dent on former president Trump’s dominating lead in the Republican race to be the presidential nominee. From February, the primary races will accelerate in the lead up to a climactic Super Tuesday set to occur around the same time as some of the pending Trump trials. In the midst of this, President Biden will deliver possibly his final State of the Union address, making a direct appeal to the American people about his accomplishments and vision for the future.
Can President Biden cut through the noise around the Trump campaign? Do any GOP challengers have a shot at dethroning Trump? What should we expect in the lead up to Super Tuesday?
To discuss these issues, USSC hosted a panel discussion with US politics USSC experts Associate Professor in American Politics and Foreign Policy David Smith, Director of Research Jared Mondschein and Research Editor Victoria Cooper who provided a readout on the Iowa caucus results and what it portends for the year ahead.

Associate Professor David Smith
Associate Professor in American Politics and Foreign PolicyUnited States Studies Centre (jointly appointed with the School of Social and Political Sciences, University of Sydney)
Jared Mondschein
Director of ResearchUnited States Studies Centre
Victoria Cooper
Non-Resident FellowUnited States Studies Centre