The 2009 National Summit critically examined the impact of the first global recession since World War II on long-standing issues concerning globalisation, including global governance, labour standards and corporate social responsibility as well as climate change and energy security. The Summit assessed in particular the role and the response of the US.

11 June - Summit Day 1

Welcome to the National Summit

Speakers: Geoffrey Garrett, Michael Spence, Daniel Clune and Michael Hiscox

Opening Address

Speaker: The Honourable Peter Garrett MP, Minister for Environment, Heritage and the Arts

Plenary Session 1: Obama's America - Globalisation headaches and protectionist impulsesSpeakers:

  • Peter Gourevitch: Professor of Political Science and founding Dean, School of International Relations and Pacific Studies, University of California San Diego
  • Michael Fullilove: Director Global Issues, Lowy Institute for International Policy; non-resident senior fellow, Brookings Institution
  • Bruce McKern:  Professor of International Business & Director of the Business Leadership and Innovation programs, US Studies Centre

Moderator: Geraldine DooguePresident Obama took office as the US entered its worst recession since World War II and with great pent-up demand on the progressive side of politics to reverse three decades of increasing inequality. Obama has put in place not only unprecedented GFC-fighting measures but also ambitious plans regarding health care, climate change and education. Big government is back in America, turning on its head the Reagan revolution mantra that government was the problem, not the solution.

Plenary Session 2: Governing the global economy - Economic nationalism vs. Bretton Woods 2.0?Speakers: 

  • Tim Harcourt: Chief Economist, Austrade
  • Peter Hartcher: International and Political Editor, Sydney Morning Herald
  • Robert Lawrence: Professor of International Trade and Investment, Harvard University; former member US President's Council of Economic Advisors

Moderator: Ali MoorePerceived failures of the current world order have increased demands for a new international economic architecture to replace the Bretton Woods system created sixty years ago. Political and security frameworks are also being called into question, highlighting long-standing issues such as membership of the UN Security Council and the role of regional bodies such as APEC and the EU. The decline of the G7 and the emergence of the G20 raises further questions about the future of global governance. At home, protectionism is on the rise as struggling citizens demand jobs and good wages at any price.

Lunch Keynote SpeechSpeaker: The Honourable Malcolm Turnbull MP, Leader of the Opposition

Plenary Session 3: Labour and human rights - Can we afford them in a global financial crisis?Speakers:

  • Andrew Hewett, Executive Director, Oxfam Australia
  • Margaret Levi, Professor of Politics, US Studies Centre; Bacharach Professor of International Studies, Department of Political Science, University of Washington
  • Tony Maher, General President, Mining and Energy, Construction Forestry, Mining and Energy Union
  • Jaye Radisich, CEO Council of Small Business of Australia

Moderator: Mark BannermanConcerns about the impact of international trade and global finance on labour standards and human rights have long been widespread. Now the GFC is decimating exports and employment, presumably putting even more downward pressure on labour costs and standards and support for human rights.

Expert Session 1Speakers: Simon Sheikh, Simon Tormey, Ariadne Vromen, Lyn Carson, David Kinley, Dennis Altman, Yuan Ming and Andrew MacIntyre

Public Forum: Sydney & New Orleans - The role of city governments in adapting to climate changeSpeakers:

  • Clover Moore MP, Lord Mayor, City of Sydney
  • C. Ray Nagin, Mayor, City of New Orleans
  • Tim Flannery, Professor, Environmental and Life Sciences, Macquarie University; 2007 Australian of the Year
  • Edward Blakely, Honorary Professor of Urban Policy, US Studies Centre; New Orleans recovery leader

12 June - Summit Day 2

Summit Breakfast: What is the future for the US Studies Centre?Speakers: Geoffrey Garrett, Lyn Carson and Malcolm Binks

Plenary Session 4: Climate change and energy security - Looking towards the Copenhagen ConferenceSpeakers

  • Ross Garnaut, Garnaut Climate Change Review
  • Robert Hill, former Australian Ambassador to the UN, former Minister for the Environment
  • Gillian Triggs, Dean of Law, University of Sydney

Moderator: Mark ColvinDealing with climate change seems to pose an invidious trade off between the future of the environment and jobs and profits today. Energy security and climate change are quintessential global issues, but global action has proved very difficult. Competition for energy has become an important theme not only for global economics but also for politics and security as well. How will the parties deal with these issues at the Copenhagen Conference?

Plenary Session 5: Corporate social responsibility - How should business behave in the GFC?Speakers:

  • Michael Hiscox, Professor of International Affairs, Harvard University and pioneer in fieldwork on consumers and sustainable products
  • Richard Locke, Professor of Entrepreneurship, MIT; founder Laboratory for Sustainable Business
  • Katie Lahey, Chief Executive, Business Council of Australia

Moderator: Peter ThompsonCSR became an integral part of business models before the GFC at a time when creative partnerships between business, NGOs, communities and governments were becoming increasingly common. Now all attention is focused on bottom line issues like jobs and wages. How should business deal with broader social concerns?

Lunch: Business solves poverty - The new approach to corporate social responsibilitySpeaker: Mark Ingram

Expert Session 2Speakers: Simon Jackman, Murray Goot, Rosemary Lyster, Tom Switzer, John Breusch, Ed Blakely, Peter Newman, Robert O'Neill and Alan Dupont

Plenary Session 6: Human health and sustainability - What are the challenges for globalisation?Speakers:

  • Lawrence O. Gostin, Professor of Global Health Law, Georgetown University; advisor to WHO/CDC
  • Don Nutbeam, Vice-Chancellor, University of Southampton
  • Stephen Leeder, Professor of Public Health and Community Medicine, University of Sydney and Director, Menzies Centre for Health Policy
  • Moderator:
  • Peter Thompson, Presenter ABC TV and ANZSOG Fellow 
  • Link to video

Closing Keynote: What will a post-GFC Europe look like?Speakers: John Micklethwait, Editor-in-Chief, The Economist (live via video conference) in conversation with Geoffrey Garrett, US Studies Centre

Summit Dinner

Speakers:Geoffrey Garrett, CEO of the US Studies Centre
Judith Fergin, US Consul-General, Sydney

Ray Nagin, Mayor, City of New Orleans
Phillip Adams AM, Broadcaster; former Chair, Commission for the Future and Walkley Award winner

Major Sponsor: MWH

Media Partner: The Economist

Public Forum Partner: City of Sydney

Student Scholarship Sponsor: Macquarie Group Foundation

Summit Dinner Sponsor: Macquarie