At 12.02pm in Washington DC, Donald Trump took the oath to “preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States,” and resumed his presidency. It was an oath taken that half the country expects to be not only tested, but broken.
Trump’s inauguration ceremony was without the massive pomp had it been witnessed in person by hundreds of thousands of people engulfing the Mall from the Capitol to the Lincoln Memorial. Instead, it was delivered in the Capitol’s very rotunda that was desecrated by his armies to stop the peaceful transfer of power four years ago. Trump did not mention January 6 in this speech – but none doubted he would pardon as many of the participants in the insurrection as he could reach with his pen.

It was a dark and sombre speech, delivered with the scowl that Trump has mastered from his mug shot in Georgia when he was arraigned for trying to overturn that state’s presidential election in 2020, to the official portrait that every Australian will see in the immigration halls when they fly into a US airport.
As was the case eight years ago, the centrepiece of this speech was immigration: the threat posed to the nation by an uncontrolled surge of vicious criminals who threaten the safety and security of the country. That issue – more than the state of the economy and the squeeze on households from inflation– is bedrock Trump and will, one suspects, dominate his second term. Until the end of his days, Trump will move to purge the land of the vermin aliens who are poisoning the blood of the American people.
Where there was light in the darkness of the address, it was in the redemption he sees from all that he stands for: “The golden age of America begins right now … I will very simply put America First.” In the wake of the attempts on his life, Trump’s destiny is now imbued with the divine. “I was saved by God to make America great again.”
Trump said he wanted to be a “peacemaker and unifier,” but he has wars to fight in the Americas. Trump is sending military troops to close the border with Mexico and to deport illegal aliens. Trump will designate the criminal cartels in Mexico and other countries as “terrorist organisations.” This means Trump intends to use military force to take these cartels out – just as he conducted strikes against ISIS in the Middle East.
On the Panama Canal, which by treaty, approved by Congress, the United States ceded to Panama in 1977, Trump insists that American shipping is being wildly overcharged and that China “controls” the canal. Neither is true. But Trump says, “We’re taking it back” – which means he is seriously considering using military force to seize it. Let the Southern Wars begin.
Surprisingly, Trump only mentioned in passing the tariffs he wants to impose in passing. “We will tariff and tax foreign counties.” That was all. We do not know if Trump will impose tariffs on Australia’s exports to the US even though America enjoys a huge trade surplus with Australia and that there is a free trade agreement – with a bias against tariffs – between the two countries. Stay tuned.
Trump calls his agenda a “revolution of common sense”. Trump’s political genius has two compelling attributes. He never concedes any errors or failings. He never retreats. He always attacks the motivations of those who come after him. Lesser men would succumb. Not Trump.
The day before the inauguration, Trump spoke to over 20,000 of the faithful in a Washington arena.
Trump has a charisma that seals the deal with his supporters. None of them deserted him last November. He expanded his popular vote. Trump mastered his communications skills through his years on television. Trump hides nothing – no matter how extreme others view his policies.
Trump has distilled his messaging to its rawest elements.
“We’re going to end the reign of a famed and corrupt political establishment in Washington.
“We’re going to reclaim our wealth. We are going to unlock the liquid gold that’s right under our feet.
Trump has distilled his messaging to its rawest elements.
“We’re going to bring back law and order in our cities. We’re going to restore patriotism in our schools, get radical left woke ideologies the hell out of our military and out of our government.
“We are going to cut your taxes, end inflation, cut your prices, raise your wages, and bring thousands of factories back to the USA, where they belong. And it will be done through tariffs and smart policy.
“I will end the war in Ukraine. I will stop the chaos in the Middle East and prevent World War III from happening. We will crush violent crime in our cities and give police the support, protection, resources and respect they so dearly deserve. We will strengthen and modernise our military again.
“We will keep men out of women’s sports. It’s over. I will defend religious liberty. I will restore free speech and I will defend the right to keep and bear arms.
“We will stop illegal immigration once and for all. We will not be invaded. We will not be occupied. We will not be overrun. We will not be conquered.”
This is the message that defeated Kamala Harris. Trump knows exactly what he is doing. And so does his base. He intends to do it. And they want him to.