The US Studies Centre hosted Year 10 and 11 students from across Sydney at a lecture and discussion with Professor Geoffrey Garrett, CEO of the Centre and Professor of Political Science at the University of Sydney.

Nearly 200 students from 10 schools attended the dynamic lecture which focused on the United States under President Barack Obama.  Students were able to share their views on America with the class through interactive technology and use of the Socratic method.

Students attending the event were able to experience what a real, large scale University lecture would be like.

"Thanks for organising the high school lecture. My students had a fantastic time." Sydney Secondary College, Leichhardt Campus

 "I would like to thank you, on behalf of my students, for the enjoyable and thought provoking seminar on Wednesday...they've had a chance to add an extra layer of internationalism to their studies and reflect on the significant role the US plays in international economic affairs." Monte Sant' Angelo Mercy College