Madelyn Shaw
Curator of TextilesNational Museum of American History, Smithsonian Institution

Madelyn Shaw is the Curator of Textiles at the National Museum of American History, Smithsonian Institution, in Washington, D.C. Recent work includes the book and traveling exhibition Homefront & Battlefield: Quilts & Context in the Civil War, (2012-2015); the exhibitions Color Revolution: Science Meets Style in the 1960s (ATHM, 2013) and Needle/Work: Art & Industry in New Bedford (NBWM, 2008); and the publications Clothing through American History: The British Colonial Era (with Kathleen Staples, 2013), Slave Cloth and Clothing Slaves: Craftsmanship, Commerce, and Industry” (JESDA Fall 2012), Shipped in Good Order: Rhode Island’s China Trade Silks in Global Trade and Visual Arts in Federal New England (2014); Silk in Georgia, 1732-1840: Sericulture to Status Symbol in Proceedings-Third Biennial Henry D. Greene Symposium (2008); and H. R. Mallinson & Company in American Silk: Entrepreneurs & Artifacts, 1830-1930 (2007), winner of the Millia Davenport Publication Award.