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Professor Ian Hall

Deputy Director (Research), Griffith Asia Institute

Ian Hall is a Professor of International Relations. He is also an Academic Fellow of the Australia India Institute at the University of Melbourne.
Professor Ian Hall

Prior to his appointment at Griffith, he taught at the University of St Andrews, the University of Adelaide, and the Australian National University. He served as a co-editor of the Australian Journal of International Affairs between 2018 and 2023. He has held visiting appointments at the Australian War College, Nanyang Technological University, and the University of Warwick.

His research focuses on India's international relations and Indo-Pacific affairs. His research has been supported by multiple grants from the Australian Research Council, the Department of Defence, the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan. He is a co-lead of the Blue Security DFAT Regional Maritime Exchange program directed by Prof. Bec Strating at La Trobe University (2022-24).
He is the author of three books, including Modi and the Reinvention of Indian Foreign Policy (Bristol University Press, 2019), the editor of five volumes and several special issues, and has published many scholarly articles and chapters. His research has appeared in the Australian Journal of International Affairs, British Journal of Politics and International Relations, European Journal of International Relations, International Affairs, and Third World Quarterly.

He teaches security studies. He supervises research students on Indo-Pacific security. He contributes to various professional training and executive education programs for Commonwealth and regional public servants.

He is a regular contributor to public and policy debates on the international relations of the Indo-Pacific region. He has participated in track II dialogues with India, Indonesia, Japan, the Philippines, South Korea, and the UK, and ran an Australia-India-Japan Trilateral for the Griffith Asia Institute from 2017 until 2023. He is often quoted in Australian and international media outlets, including the ABC, Al Jazeera, The Australian, CNN, and the Sydney Morning Herald. He writes for the LKY School's China-India Brief, The Conversation, The Interpreter, and The Strategist, among others.